MiKiDo Foundation

Families in Itulcachi-Pifo, Ecuador

Itulcachi is located in the rural parish of Pifo in the canton of Quito. It has 800 inhabitants (200 families), of which 10% are older adults, 50% adults and 40% youth and children. Its main productive activity is Agriculture by 30%, Livestock by 30%, Work in activities outside the community by 40% (construction and domestic work).

The main problems  in this community is the lack of irrigation water and access roads to the land, 10% of older adults have Retirement and 90% do not, in terms of educational level there is 10% of Illiteracy.

The MiKiDo Foundation was able to identified 10 highly vulnerable families to whom a basket of essential products was delivered. We appreciate everyones help in making this donation possible. 

Learn More about our work in Ecuador