MiKiDo Foundation

Supporting Families in Pangua-Cotopaxi, Ecuador

The Canton Pangua “Cotopaxi’s Hidden Paradise” is located in the Province of Cotopaxi, in the center of Ecuador. It was founded on June 1, 1938 and has a population of 8,427 inhabitants. It is a rural area dedicated to agricultural and livestock production in its majority, in this canton illiteracy in women reaches 21.18%, while in men it reaches 13.43%.

During the years 2020-2021, the world was severely impacted by COVID-19. Just like many developing countries in latin America, Ecuador has high poverty rates, poor education levels, and high infant mortality rate. As living conditions worsened and people became more susceptible to getting COVID, to this day, Ecuador faces an intense demand for economic assistance.

In the year 2021 and continuing to this day, the MiKiDo Foundation made several donations of baskets of food products to 11 socially and economically vulnerable families.