MiKiDo Foundation

Bringing a Smile to Las Losas- Santo Domingo, Ecuador

Located in the city of Santo Domingo, we find the “Rumiñahui” community, founded in 2005.  In this humbling community, lives approximately 75 families. The main economic activities carried out are: recycling, masonry and market traders.

Obstacles faced by the community are: poverty, abandonment of homes, addictions, and child labor. There are approximately eight children with physical and psychological disabilities from 6 to 10 years old.

Majority of these family have a low-income and are interdepend on family members and those in the community.

The donation made by the MiKiDo Foundation was directed to 80 children, who were given snacks and food throughout 2021. In the month of December, candy bags were delivered to 120 children as a Christmas gift. Overjoyed and grateful, we were able to see huge smiles on the children.